My son’s up and down journey to bring his fiancée to the United States on a fiance visa.
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My Merry Christmas Book Memes
It’s time for some fun Christmas memes. Some of these are book memes and some are just fun. Merry Christmas!
Sneak Peek of Insight, Colony Six Book 0
When one of Reese’s sketches puts her up against a human monster bigger than anything else that might threaten the CORE, it’s a fight she might not survive.
How to do a Cartwheel (from Lisbon)
Lisbon is super excited to show off her new talent!
Sneak Peek of No Secrets or Lies, Lily’s House Book 6
So excited to post this sneak peek of No Secrets or Lies. I’m hoping to have it out in mid October!
Colony Six Series Map
Official Colony Six Series Map has been created!
How to Make Her Fall in Love With You All Over Again
Reawake the magic and make her fall in love with you all over again.
Liana’s Bacon Mash, Recipe Even Kids Will Love
Here is a bacon mash recipe even kids will love. In fact, it’s one of my kids favorite meals. All seven of them will eat it and most really love it. Score for me!
People Paste, an Herbal Poultice for Bruises, Cuts, and Infections
People Paste is a recipe for an herbal poultice to heal cuts and other wounds. Now here is the recipe for you and your family.
I’ve Been Climbing Boulders
I’ve been climbing boulders. Physically AND mentally. What are some of your boulders?