Law school dropout Erin Radkey has Changed. By fluke of a recessive gene, she has become Unbounded, a nearly immortal being with paranormal abilities. Her Change, the first in her family line in centuries, has attracted the notice of two powerful Unbounded groups who struggle for control of the mortal world through politics, technology, and medical advances. Cross between the X-men and Highlander. Click on the covers below to read the back blurbs. Enjoy!
Note: Books 1-4 and book 6 are from the main character Erin Radkey's viewpoint. Book 5 is a shorter book from the viewpoints of Mari and Keene, but it furthers the timeline, so we kept in in the main series. There are also three connected Unbounded Novellas, so check out their listing to catch up on side stories from other characters.
Unbounded Novellas
These novellas follow the side stories of different characters from the Unbounded series, and they take place between the original books. While these novellas are not necessary to understanding the rest of the series, the stories are not told in the other books, and they give depth and insight to the characters, especially Ava, Chris, and Stella. NOTE: You can now get a compilation of all three novellas in Protectors, which has become book three in the Unbounded series.
Autumn reads imprints—emotions left behind on certain objects. But is this ability a blessing or a curse? Sometimes Autumn isn’t sure. but for people who have missing loved ones, her ability to read imprints might mean the difference between life and death.
Colony Six
Eighty years after Breakdown, Detective Reese Parker has pulled herself up from the dregs of society in Welfare Colony 6 to become a sketch artist and enforcer for the CORE (Commonwealth Objective for Reform and Efficiency). But someone is willing to do anything to stop Reese and her former Colony 6 crew from discovering the truth behind what is has been done to them—and what they have become. A dystopian blend of sci-fi and fantasy.
Lily's House
Lily runs a place of refuge for runaway girls called Lily’s House. She knows what it’s like to grow up feeling unloved, and she fills every space available to help endangered teens. This series follows Lily, her sister, Tessa, and some of the former Lily’s House girls as they find true love.
Finding Home
While searching for answers, Liana makes a shocking discovery that just might mean the end of everything she's ever believed. (From Take Me Home.) In this series, three women search not only for a place to call home but finally discover where they belong. Stories are women's fiction with a strong vein of romance.
A Town Called Forgotten
Welcome to the small town of Forgotten, where people are more concerned about who you are now than what you might have left behind. Each of the novels in this series are stand-alone books, and you can read them in any order. However, characters are like one big extended family and often appear in many of the books, so by reading all of them, you can catch up with what your favorite characters are doing now. A feel-good series for fans of Robyn Carr, Leeanna Morgan, and Debra Clopton.
Stand Alone
These are novels and novellas that are not connected to a series.
Royals of Beaumont
Royals of Beaumont is a series of novellas featuring romances involving royals and nobles in my make-believe country of Beaumont. These are fun stories that bring out the Cinderella in all of us. (NOTE: Books 2 and 3 were originally written for the Kindle World Royals of Monterra, but when those were discontinued, I rewrote them for my own world and added a new book 1 and book 4)
Lisbon's Misadventures
Lisbon’s Misadventures is a series I'm doing with my son-in-law Tim Petersen. Tim is obviously a fabulous artist, and I’m excited to be working with him. This entire series was inspired by my youngest daughter, Lisbon. On each book I'll include a little bit of backstory for the creation. Enjoy!
Multi-Author Sets
These are the currently available anthologies and book sets I've done with other authors. It's a lot of fun creating these. Enjoy!
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