Can Ronica hold on tight while still doing the honorable thing, or will she have to lose the only man who has always been there for her?

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Exclusive with Amazon KU or Wide Distribution: Where I Sell eBooks and Why
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Many readers have asked why my books are not in the KU program. Here’s the short version of why!
Authors—Take Back Your Book Rights Before It’s Too Late!
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Did you sign away your book rights without really understanding what you were doing? A little-known copyright law could help you get your rights back.
Adding the Start Tag in a Mobi (Kindle) File Using Calibre
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Can’t get your calibre-formatted mobi file to open on Chapter One? Here’s the secret to getting that Kindle ebook to open right where you want it to.