I drink ginger every day to help with inflammation, anxiety, and digestion. I call it my ginger tea, but it’s not really tea, Basically, it’s a ginger drink, which you can drink hot or cold. I find it’s an easy way to start the day right. Why Use Ginger I actually began using fresh ginger […]

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Easy Portuguese Yogurt Cake Recipe
This cake is one of the best things I learned to make while living in Portugal. And it is almost fail-safe if I can make it!
Liana’s Bacon Mash, Recipe Even Kids Will Love
Here is a bacon mash recipe even kids will love. In fact, it’s one of my kids favorite meals. All seven of them will eat it and most really love it. Score for me!
People Paste, an Herbal Poultice for Bruises, Cuts, and Infections
People Paste is a recipe for an herbal poultice to heal cuts and other wounds. Now here is the recipe for you and your family.
My 3 Favorite Healthy, Energy-boosting Meals
We all have foods we love and tend to gravitate to, and I’m no different. Today, I’m sharing with you my 3 favorite healthy, energy-boosting meals that are also fast and filling.
3 Simple Steps to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy
Lose weight and stay fit with no obsessive eating, swearing off sugar, or spending half the day in the gym. Start becoming more healthy, happy, and fit.
Easy Pumpkin Pie Recipe That Never Fails
I’m the first to admit I’m a terrible cook, but I LOVE pumpkin pie, so I need a fail safe recipe that is also yummy. Here is my secret Thanksgiving weapon.
Portuguese Pastry Mil Folhas Part 2
I’ve posted about my foray in to making mil folhas, and it didn’t go so well. But I REALLY love these pastries, and I’ve never been a quitter. So I tried again.
My Adventure Making Portuguese Mil Folhas
My favorite pastries in the world are Portuguese mil folhas. After recently researching them for my novel, Hearts Never Lie, I decided to make these tasty pastries myself.