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Our Solution to Mask-wearing in School in 2020-21
So this is the hairdo I came up with for my youngest child, Lisbon, after experimenting with different shields before school started in the fall of 2020.
Natural Treatments and Remedies for COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
When my oldest daughter became sick this past week with a respiratory illness, we were a little concerned that she might have the coronavirus. Fortunately, my sister has put together a Covid-19 regimen for such a moment.
7 Steps to Making Sleeping Mats from Recycled Plastic Bags
Lisbon and I have been busy in our free time making sleeping mats from plastic grocery bags for a charity that distributes them to the homeless. Being home from school for months and with plenty of time on her hands, Lisbon became an expert at weaving these mats.
My Experience Printing on a Real 3D Printer
I’ve researched them, read about them in books, seen them in movies, and written them in to my books. Now I’ve finally seen a 3D printer at work on my last trip to Austin.
How to Make Her Fall in Love With You All Over Again
Reawake the magic and make her fall in love with you all over again.
People Paste, an Herbal Poultice for Bruises, Cuts, and Infections
People Paste is a recipe for an herbal poultice to heal cuts and other wounds. Now here is the recipe for you and your family.
How to Download Your Mobi Ebook File to Your Kindle or Kindle App
Here is a quick tutorial to get you on your way to reading your Teyla Rachel Branton subscriber exclusive ebooks on Kindle or a Kindle app.
Gun Control: An Eroding of Individual Rights?
Will enacting stricter laws keep guns out of the hands of potential criminals or will they make America even more vulnerable?