Are you one of those crazy authors? These signs that you’re an author are a surefire way to find out. You know your an author when . . .
Writing Tips

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Authors—Take Back Your Book Rights Before It’s Too Late!
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Did you sign away your book rights without really understanding what you were doing? A little-known copyright law could help you get your rights back.
Romance Without Erotica
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Can novels be romantic without containing erotica? I was on a writing panel to discuss this issue.
Making Imaginary Characters Real
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Get to know your character! One of the things I’m often asked to speak about is how to create realistic characters. Here are some tips I’ve learned over twenty years.
Backstory: How Not to Tell Too Much
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Don’t kill your book’s chances by including too much backstory. These tips will save time and help you create a better novel.
Writing a Compelling First Person POV
by Teyla Rachel Branton
Many people assume writing a first person POV is easy, but here are some things you’ll need to watch for.