I drink ginger every day to help with inflammation, anxiety, and digestion. I call it my ginger tea, but it’s not really tea, Basically, it’s a ginger drink, which you can drink hot or cold. I find it’s an easy way to start the day right.
Why Use Ginger
I actually began using fresh ginger over a decade ago because my mother-in-law said it was good for weight loss. What I found is that while it does stimulate the digestive system, the effect on my anxiety was even better. I haven’t stopped taking it since, though I have changed the way I take it. And when I began having trouble with inflammation in my carpal tunnel, I increased my usage to good effect.
Fresh Ginger
At the beginning, I used to peel fresh ginger with a spoon, grind it up in the blender with pineapple and water, and freeze cubes that contained four ounces each of ginger (plus the pineapple and water). I’d melt one cube in a glass of water each day and drink it. That does take effort, though, and while it’s still my favorite way to take it, I haven’t done that for several years. I now use cut and sifted ginger and ginger powder.
Cut and Sifted Ginger
I’ve used several types of dried cut and sifted ginger and Frontier Co-op is a good one to start with. I put a teaspoon of the cut ginger in a tea ball infuser along with few drops of liquid stevia. It will need to steep at least ten minutes for the best effect, but I usually can’t wait that long. This means I don’t get the full use of the ginger. So instead, I leave the tea ball and ginger inside the mug, filling it full enough to barely cover the tea ball, and then I let the used ginger steep all night in the fridge. The next morning, I toss the old ground ginger away (leaving in the now very gingery water), fill the rest of the mug with steaming water and plunk in a tea ball of fresh ginger, which I let seep for as long as I can wait. Drink and repeat. That way, I get more of the flavor and the ginger itself. I have used the cut and sifted ginger for years.
Here are some one-pound bags I’ve used and can recommend.
Frontier Co-op cut and sifted ginger
Frontier Co-op organic cut and sifted ginger
Ginger Root Powder
Recently, I bought a ginger root powder made by Frontier Co-op. This particular one is certified organic and non-irradiated and is sold in a one-pound Mylar envelope like the cut and sifted gingers above. I find I use less of this with each serving to give the same taste, and I’m consuming the entire root, which I feel is closer to the original fresh version I used. There is no more long seeping times. I can fill my hot water from my water cooler, measure in about a half a teaspoon of ginger, squeeze in the stevia, and head right to my office. There is no leaving it in the fridge overnight because I’m too impatient to let it steep all the way. Extra cups are easy to make. I can also use it in my cooking for an extra boost.
I’ve been switching off between this powder and the cut and sifted ginger. Not sure which one I will settle on for the long run, or if I will continue to use both.
Some people don’t love the taste of ginger as much as I do, and stevia is a great way to add a little sweetness without a lot of extra calories. I feel it’s a step higher than most “fake” sugars. Even so, I always use stevia when I’m also having a little food so that my body gets the pick-me-up the sweet taste promises. I find that consuming a lot of “fake” sugars or diet sodas without eating protein or some good carbs always makes me more hungry and tends to cause me to gain weight in the long run. Having breakfast or a healthy snack whenever you consume sugar substitutes is always a good idea. That way your body isn’t screaming, “No fair! You promised me carbs and sugar, and I got nothing.”
I use just a few drops of the Now Stevia. As with any stevia, too much and you will have an odd taste.
Dropper Bottles
I’m not a real fan of the stevia bottle, so I bought my own droppers bottles, which makes it easier to use.
Tea Ball Infusers
These are the tea ball infusers I use for the cut and sifted ginger. They double as a stirring spoon! I find it’s best to have at least two of them to use at will. I actually have four at my house.
How Much Ginger?
You generally want to keep your daily consumption of ginger to four ounces. At least that is what I found in my research. I’m not a doctor, though, so decide for yourself! Keep in mind that you probably don’t want to take large amounts of ginger after seven as after that it tends to keep me awake, even though it doesn’t contain any kind of caffeine. Ginger stimulates my digestive system, lessens my anxiety, and helps me keep my inflammation under control. What’s not to love?